Saturday, June 29, 2013

Summertime sweet summertimeeee!!!

Packing up the classroom and saying goodbye to my sweeties is always hard, but what makes it THAT much easier is getting to meet my new 18 on the last day of school!  This year I sat them down and explained to them that their first grade year will be spent in the jungle (filled with animal print, vines.. you name it!).  Then I put them to work creating their own BIG head safari man.  I'll decorate the entry of our classroom with these *a d o r a b l e* creations for open house to really develop a sense of belonging and they remain there the whole year long!

Here is the project I sent home with Mrs. Miner
from Mrs.Miner's Monkey Business for her soon to be 1st GRADER to complete!  

And with summer, so begins the whirlwind of planning and creating for next year!!  First up on the agenda?

# 1  Literacy workshop CRAFT Binders (adapted from LadybugTeacherFiles CRAFT board headers and inspired by CAFE  WHAT A RESOURCE her craft board has been in my classroom!  And as a Treasures Curriculum teacher, there is no better fit to organize decoding/ comprehension strategies for the kids to refer back to!!

The binders I'm creating are currently in progress, but will be for my independent  soon to be independent kiddos to keep track of their learning and record their thinking as it relates to the skills and strategy cards on the CRAFT board!

Be sure to follow my blog so you don't miss out on ANYTHING!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Take a look at my products by checking out My TpT Store by clicking the link!  I'm throwing a 20% off sale to celebrate the new blog!!

I have a few FREE downloads including...

A set of measurement task cards


Over the past year I have become completely obsessed with all of the incredible teacher blogs out there and their creative thoughts and products!  So much so that it has inspired me to hop on board and enter the fabulous land of teaching blogs!

Here's to creating, sharing and inspiring! :)